Non-Cuban Vs. Cuban Cigars
Since 1962's embargo on Cuba the question for American Cigar smoker is Cuban or Non. I believe that has to do with the fact many generation since have said how great one was over the other have given people this mysterious idea of a Cuban cigar. Is that due to the truth of quality or the fact that we could not have them as often or at all?
As many of us know there are less major cigar companies in Cuba anymore, with the American appetite for cigars many of those company moved out of Cuba to elsewhere. Two major players come to my mind, Jose Orlando Padron and Carlos Torano. Both left Cuba to seem greener fields, and the other facts of the government control over the market.

In my opinion this embargo has redefined the cigar market as a whole, there are many regions in the world today that produce great quality product because of this political change in 1962.
So for many people it becomes a personal taste for what they like, all tabbaccos from one location or a great blend. Many experts in cigars are advising that cigars are like wine, beer or anything else hand crafted.
So go out there and see for yourself which is better. Happy Smoking.