Cigar Buying Tips For Beginners
Hello Everybody, Today I will be discussing tips for buying cigars. Now I know that this can seem to be overwhelming to a novice, but be assure you can do it. How can you possibly tell the difference between a Montecristo and an Ashton? Does it matter if this “Romeo y Julieta” came from the Dominican Republic and not Cuba? After some important information you will be able to choose a cigar you like.

Before you start it is a good idea to know the anatomy of a Cigar.

The Cap (head): This is the end you put in your mouth. It’s sealed off and will require cutting, There are a few different ways a guillotine is preferred to reduce the chance of smashing the cigar; a punch will create a hole in the cap; v- cut is similar to a guillotine but created a v channel in the cap. But never use your teeth will destroy parts of the cigar, and REALLY are you a caveman?
The foot (tuck): This is the side that you light.
The filler: A nice, consistent blend of dried and fermented tobacco.
The wrapper: The outside of the cigar. It varies in color from light to dark. A lot of the cigar’s flavor comes from this outer layer.
First rule, find a cigar or tobacco shop in your area. There are advantages they have a large selection of quality cigars to choose from. Plus, you can count on the fact that those cigars have been well cared for. Many beginners have went to smoke shops and convenience store, now do not get me wrong there may be some good ones out there but they are far and few in between. Most of the time there focus is not on just cigars, but all of the areas.What’s more, you’ll have excellent guidance. The knowledgeable staff can help you pick out the right cigar and share some cigar tips for beginners. If you really want to learn about cigars, your local tobacconist is the perfect classroom. And also you will have a chance to run into other smokers at different levels of knowledge, they will be able to suggest and recommend cigars too.
Second, purchase a few at a time, when you are starting out you are not sure what you may want. Also as you are exposed to many different cigars and your preferences may change after you have tried a few. Do I like Maduro? or Connecticut? Some thing I suggest is some on the cigar makers sampler pack. Almost all of the cigar makers have these, also many of the internet site sell samplers.

Third, Start with the lighter cigars first. Now there may be others who think that is a crazy way to give info, but I think if you start mild and go full then you will find your favorite. Remember this is to be a pleasant experience with cigars, the last thing you want is to feel sick after a few puffs.
Fourth, Budget smoke until you feel you have a good feel for it. You can get a quality cigar for
under $10, and at your level, you don’t need to light up anything too fancy. Stick to moderately priced cigars at first, and once your palate develops, then you can treat yourself to that extravagant smoke.
Lastly, picking that cigar up. When you are in a shop and looking at a cigar keep a few things in mind.
1 Pick the cigar up in the middle and DO NOT squeeze too hard
2 DO NOT handle the head of the cigar that is not wrapped, This is were someone's mouth goes.
3 DO NOT stick the unwrapped cigar under you nose. No visual needed, Gross.
In Conclusion, I know if you keep all of this is mind while shopping for you cigars you will find exactly what you want.