Cigar 101: Lighting a Cigar
Cigar Lighting - Match Vs. Lighter?

What is the best way for someone to light a cigar? Now this is a question that has some people will fight over. Many people stick with a match, while others are a torch lighter fan. This all falls under your personal preference. Now I will say there are a few thing you will not want to use to light a cigar, because of how it changes or ruins the cigars over all flavor. Example of a do not would be a candle, with a candle the flavor is altered by burnt wax and it is a shame to mess a cigar up.
Many people use the following:
Lighter Soft Flame

If Soft flame is your thing know there is a technique that is used for a good light. Hold the flame close to the foot of the cigar and keep it from the edge of the cigar. You will begin to roll the cigar while lighting.
Lighter Jet Flame

If jet flame is your thing know that it burns hot and fast. Hold the cigar from the flame because not much is need to light it quickly. Make sure not to char you cigar or it will kill the flavor.

If you are a match person than this is the is similar to the soft flame technique
Cedar Spills

If cedar spills is your thing this look good and add the smell of cedar to the lighting pleasure, this a soft flame as matches and lighter soft flame the techniques are the same.
No matter how you light your cigar make it a enjoyable experience and always remember to light it well and do not use any flame that change the flavor.